Make your life a prayer

Happy Spring everyone. It’s a bitter-sweet season of changes for us, as we brought our last load of boxes from FL to South Carolina. When we were in Nicaragua in February, we received an unsolicited offer to buy our FL home. We felt strongly this was a sign from God to simplify our lives in preparation for more time in ministry next year. We expect the sale to complete May 1.
In the meantime, Rochelle will return to Central America in early May in preparation for the rainy season and to check-in on our programs and their families. If YOU are a Sponsor and would like send a card/small item along with Rochelle, please mail it to our address to receive on or before May 8, 2024.

Above is the final outcome (in numbers & expenses) from February's clinic. Most of the medications we purchased with this campaign were an excess of what was needed during the week of the Clinic. These meds stayed in a secure location for future treatment from the indigenous nurses who visit the community twice per month.

During Rochelle's May visit, she'll check in with the nurses and some of the families in the community from this clinic


Unfortunately, she had several health setbacks in late-2023 and had to be hospitalized. Since her return to home, we've arranged for Baby Rochelle and her mom, Petronila, to receive weekly developmental therapy in their home. The ministry is also helping with transportation expenses for the baby’s neurological appointments on the mainland.

Those of you who donate to our general fund or send us employer-matched donations help us to provide this type of mercy aid in the community. Thank you.

Our “adopted” primary school now has WIFI for two (2) years thanks to school parent donations and an anonymous Sponsor. Rochelle will drop in at the school during her May visit and let you know how the Teachers and the 143 students are doing.


Is there a Doctor on the Plane?